Creatives Drive More Traffic To Your Site Without Using LinkTree

Before I tell you why you need to stop using Link.tree lets first talk about what link tree offers and what it is.

What is Linktree?

According to their site, "Linktree uses your Instagram handle for consistent branding. When users click your custom link, they see a page with multiple links you want to share, such as links to your email signup, products, a blog post, and so on. You can share up to five links with Linktree."

At it's core Link.tree is a landing page with all your links. It provides a landing ground for those who want to direct their followers to their links when they visit their profile on instagram or other social media. It's a way to link followers to multiple links. Overall it serves as a landing page for those followers.

Now every time that you have a follower from a social media they will see anything you have link to.

Now you may think well why would I want to STOP that from happening?

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How To Set Up Retainers For Creative Entrepreneurs

How To Set Up Retainers For Creative Entrepreneurs

Earlier this month I wrote a blog about my own experience using Freshbooks cloud accounting and how its features will benefit any freelancer, especially creatives who do commission work. If you would like to check out that blog click the image below or click here

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Freshbooks Cloud Accounting: Features Creatives Will Love

At various points I have used Freshbooks as my go to invoicing and accounting software. When I started using Freshbooks I wanted to switch from using excel sheets I created to something more professional. I had a client I was invoicing for and although they didn't mind I wanted to upgrade how their invoices were being processed. Yes, I was sending invoices by printing them and then mailing them or handing them in. Which there isn't anything wrong with, when you are running a business you do what you got to do! However, the invoices took forever to get paid. I knew that they were being received by someone, but when they hit the accounting office sometimes the invoice would get lost (not good on their part if you ask me) or they would go over their due date.

I was then on the hunt for actual accounting software at this point.

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