Watercolor products

The following are watercolor art supply recommendations. They contain affiliate links. Consider purchasing through these links. I will receive a small commission from your purchase at no extra charge to you!


I can’t recommend these books enough! Ana Victoria Calderon is an amazing teacher. In these books, you will learn techniques, art supplies, and a lot of creative exercises to get in the creative mood. When I’m hitting a creative block I like to go back to the basics. These books help warm up the creative mind!

By Ana Victoria Calderon
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By Calderon, Ana Victoria
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By Calderon, Ana Victoria
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Big Magic is a must-have for any artist. It’s great to challenge that inner critic that pops in to stop your creativity from flowing. Whether you find your creativity in painting, writing, playing music, cooking, gardening, it doesn’t matter this book is for every creative!

The painted art journal is one of my go-to book favorites as well. Especially when I’m feeling an art block. I really like the projects shared in this book. It’s a mixed media book so you will have plenty to get your creative mind going.

Jenna Rainey is another favorite teacher of mine. I have been following her instagram and youtube channels as well as read her book.



Often times you don’t need expensive supplies to get started. You just need to choose the right products. Here is a selection of different products and price points that will help you in your creative journey!


My favorite brushes are the Raphael aqua brushes. However, I recently started using the winsor and newton brushes and they have become staples in my must haves!


Practice, practice, practice! It doesn’t make perfect, it makes you develop your skills and progress in your craft!

If you are just starting out, I would recommend the arteza notebooks. If you want to take it to another level check out the molskine art collection notebook and the canson xl pads or sketchbooks!

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