The Problem With Grind Mentality

I remember back in 2019 I was thinking about this podcast that was talking about, “how you need to keep grinding to grow your social media following”. As I was listening I noticed I felt a bit uncomfortable, but I agreed of course you need to work hard to grow any part of any business. Things aren’t just going to grow on their own, new opportunities are not going to just show up on my doorstep or inbox without work.

In any case I still couldn’t shake the feeling that something with that podcast just didn’t sit well with me. I kept thinking about it and think about it. Eventually I realized that the problem I had was with the word grinding.

The more I unpacked it, the more I realized that it was just terrible.

The Oxford dictionary has the following definitions for grinding:

grind·ing /ˈɡrīndiNG/

adjective: grinding

1.(of a difficult situation) oppressive and seemingly without end.

"grinding poverty"

2.(of a sound or motion) harsh and grating.

"the group's grinding, ear-splitting guitar"

noun: grinding; plural noun: grindings

1.the reduction of something to small particles or powder by crushing it.

"the roasting and grinding of grain, usually barley, for use in brewing"

2.the action of rubbing things together gratingly.

Based on these definitions it was clear why I had such a rough time accepting that in order to be successful in life or grow a business. I realized there’s a confusion between being dedicated, having work ethic, and achieving success. If there is power in the words that we use, then we need to choose our words carefully. Using grinding to describe who we are or what we are doing is dangerous. It takes us down a path of being overworked and exhausted. Many of us are already managing so much between work, our families, and other obligations (oh yeah and now a pandemic). We spread ourselves so thin and then in that moment we want to rest that small voice in our heads says, “don’t be lazy, you have to keep grinding.”

You see it’s all interconnected. Our productivity, work ethic, dedication, and success all depend on how we set boundaries and take care of ourselves. When we fall into the mindset that we have to work and work that we put our work above everything else we are truly grinding…ourselves down.

So lets be intentional with our words. So instead of using the word “grinding” lets us be more intentional with what we want and need. Lets us expand our definitions of what we are actually doing. So here I’ll go first:

I’m dedicated to completing my work in a manageable time frame. I am allowed to set breaks during the day where I can intentionally rest or simply do nothing at all or catch up on my latest show. I can reach my goals and achive success without sacrificing time with myself or those who are important to me. I am allowed to set boundaries in any area in my life that needs it.

The above is really a note for myself, however if you find it to be useful then please use it to help guide you in your journey.

I’d love to read your thoughts on this. What spoke to you or what didn’t?

Much love! Till next time my creative friends!