Digital Passion Planner journaling

Hello creative friends!

I wanted to share with you how I use my digital passion planner. This is one of the ways I use it and of course there’s tons of different ways you can use yours too!

When I travel I don’t like to carry a ton of stuff with me. Many moons ago I really wanted to take journal supplies with me, but honestly I just don’t like to carry all the supplies. However, I do want to write down thoughts and log memories.

I found that using my digital passion planner has been AMAZING for this!

I really enjoyed doing this especially when I went to the Desert Botanical Garden in AZ. I captured some pictures and decided to write down some thoughts to go along with them.

One of the things that’s becoming clear to me is how much I enjoy visiting gardens and arboretums. They really help me get grounded and help my mental health. Seeing all the beautiful plants and flowers bloom really refreshes my soul.