Floral Reference Image Collection

Floral Reference Image Collection

Sale Price:$0.99 Original Price:$1.99

Floral Reference Image Collection

My floral reference image collection was taken on one of my hiking trips in San Diego. I love taking pictures of the flowers I encounter.

Normally when I’m taking pictures I think, “Hey I can paint this later” but truth be told I’ve been taking way too many pictures.

I don’t think I will ever be able to paint them all. So instead I’ve decided to share these with other artists in hopes of helping my other artist friends with their painting journey!

  • The full image collection includes 11 images. This download includes two images that feature floral images in various colors and types of flowers.

  • You can used them in your sketching and final creations. Yes you can even sell the works that you make from these creations.

  • All that I ask is that you share with me what you’ve worked on. I would love to see what you create! Also I can share what you have worked on in my social media! 🗣️

  • You may not redistribute these reference images in any way.

  • With a digital download you will be able to keep it on all your mobile devices. This means you can practice on the go!

  • The flowers I captured come in various color ranges. This will allow you to explore color theory.

  • These images were captured in daylight, which means you can practice balancing light and shadows in your work.
