What does success mean to me?

Hello creative friends!

You guys know I love my passion planner and the team! One of the reasons I love the #pashfam is because they are constantly looking for ways that we can better ourselves, even in the smallest ways. They offer a free 30 day journaling guide that I really loved. While I don’t want to share every prompt, I did want to share this one.

Define what success means to you. What have you succeeded at and how can you apply that formula to other areas of your life?

I’ll be honest lately I have struggled with how I have been managing VivirCreatividad (that inner critic has been in my ear), that’s why I wanted to share this prompt with you.

Right when the pandemic hit I had this long list of things I wanted to accomplish with Vivir Creatividad. One of those things was putting on a workshop. I followed my intuition and I posted on my instagram that I would be doing a workshop for those staying at home. It turned out to be such a wonderful experience.

This is the definition of success for me:

Having a thought, an idea, that feel aligned with and having it come to fruition.

In this case I had this idea for an online journaling class, that little voice inside of me said, “do it, put it into the universe” but that other little voice said, “who is going to want to do this? You are wasting your time.” Turns out there were people that wanted to do it and that found it enjoyable and helpful during such a difficult time. The idea I had and was aligned with came into fruition, SUCCESS! (This is for my inner critic that likes to get into my head lately).