Youtube, Skillshare,& Patreon For Artists

When I first started to teach myself various styles of art I would do it using books mostly.
However, after a while, I started to teach myself using youtube videos.

I'm extremely visual and for me when I see something it's easier to create. One of the issues I had with books is that sometimes they didn't fully explain how they achieved the end result in a painting. However, with youtube videos, I was able to slow it down, pause, and repeat.

I decided to put together a list of my favorite art youtube channels which you can check out here: Favorite Art Youtube Channels.

Although I have many many youtube channels that I have watched over the years, I focused mainly on putting a list together that made up artists that were acrylic, mixed media, and watercolor. I put together a list of nine channels that in one way or another have inspired me during my creative process or that I have used to teach myself different techniques. Some of the artists post weekly videos which is really nice, while others post short clips and also teach on their own personal site or on sites such as skillshare. If you would like to try skillshare , click on the link and receive a 2 FREE months! I will later create a separate resource page filled with skillshare classes that I have taken to share with you.

I would like to mention that I'm not affiliated to the any of these artists. I wasn't paid to post about their channels. I found them through my own accord.

Some of these artists do have patreon accounts. If you aren't familiar with Patreon, it's a site where artists can create various levels of subscriptions. Patrons' (subscribers) receive specific rewards based on the subscription level they choose. Patreon is great because you can connect one-on-one with an artist. It's much more intimate than youtube. Many Patreon artists will provide rewards such as sending postcards, giving a collection of reference photographs to use for personal & commercial use, sending prints to patreons, and much more.

I am a patron of some of these artists (listed in the Favorite Art Youtube Channels post), but that's just a way of me supporting the artists I love. I don't follow many artists on patreon, however, I will do my best to find artists who may be of benefit to you and compile a list of them for you to check out!

I will be updating the list with new artists every couple of months. My goal is to compile a list that helps those who are starting in the world of acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media. I hope that this list helps you discover new artists.Eventually, I want to put together a resource list of websites as well that can help artists.

If you have an artist that you recommend I check out please leave me a comment or send me a message. I would love to hear what artist have inspired you as a creative person. The artists don't have to be on Youtube either.

*Disclaimer: I am a member of skillshare. If you click on the link and decide to sign up for the Free month I receive a free month as well! It won't be at any extra charge to you!