Take A Break & Improve Your Art

In this blog post I will be sharing what I learned from taking a break. I will also be sharing how you can take a break and what the benefits are.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with life. In some cases I even find myself getting overwhelmed by how many artistic ideas I have.

My Own Experience Taking A Break This Past Week:
It honestly feels like my brain has too many open tabs! This past week felt that way for me. I wanted to get a few blog post up and work on other projects. The truth is I can't always execute them.  Now it's a combination of putting too many things on my plate and how I time manage, I realize this. What I also realized was that it was important for me to also take a break.

By giving myself a break from creating and from life I find that I return with a fresh perspective.

I decided that I would take a day to just go and walk at the beach. I would take my camera to document what I experienced. I wanted to really pay attention to small details around me.

Here are a few shots of I found.

As I walked down to the shore I discovered not just the beauty in the ocean waves crashing, but also in the structures around me. I remember thinking, "isn't it amazing that these colors and textures were made over time?" I wondered what they looked like originally. I wondered about the many MANY people that had walked down and up these stairs. Their stories, their lives. Who were they? I wondered if they were tourists or locals.

It really didn't matter because for a brief moment everyone who had at any point walked down these stairs shared one thing in common, they walked down enjoyed the beautiful ocean.
Photograph taken by Pink Lemonade Artistry at Swamis Beach San Diego

Unfortunately it wasn't a very sunny day and the clouds had set in. But the tide was high and the water was not calm. The waves were definitely taking control and crashing hard. 

Photograph taken by Pink Lemonade Artistry of sand and water at Swamis Beach San Diego

As I walked I found this small hidden memorial for a young woman named Joy. It was truly a small hidden gem in the bushes. I found myself feeling inspired by these items so I wanted to document them. I guess in a way I was sort of meditating, because I had thoughts coming to my mind but I wasn't dwelling in them. I simply acknowledged them, took a picture to record the moment, and went on my way.

Photograph taken by Pink Lemonade Artistry of a swimmer tribute at the Swammi's beach in San Diego

I also discovered this beautiful sitting area when I walked to the local meditation garden. I absolutely loved sitting for a moment. I took many photos of the plants around me. I discovered that I REALLY enjoy macro photography (I'll share some of those shots in my monthly free resources for March).

There is something about looking at something up close and in detail. When you shoot small objects to look big you give them a focus that otherwise they wouldn't have. They are no longer overlooked.

Photograph taken by Pink Lemonade Artistry at the Encinitas Meditation Garden

So what are some ideas for you to try when you want to take a break?
1. Yoga or Pilates
2. Go for a walk
3. Simply sit in silence for 15 mins
4. Listen to music (your choice of music but I recommend something soothing). Listen with your eyes closed
5. Go do another favorite activity, read, spend time with people (can't forget those 😊 )
6. Read a book or re-read a good story
7. Find a local coffee shop and go for a cup of tea or coffee
8. Go to a local park with a blanket and lay for a for a few moments
9. Practice meditation walks
10. Take a nap, sometimes you just need to rest 😊

How does taking a break improve artistic ability? 

When your mind is cluttered it's hard to swift through everything to visualize, to bring to life what you want to sculpt, draw, paint, or whatever it is.

Giving yourself a moment to clear your mind actually gives you clarity. As I took my own break I realized things about myself that I wouldn't of otherwise known. I also discovered the world around me on a deeper level. Both of these points will help me as an artist my strengthening my visual and mental awareness when I create my art. I had new perspectives which I can implement.

I wanted to share this with you in hopes of inspiring you when you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed. By taking a break, you are not being lazy. In fact you are taking care of yourself and when you do that you thrive, your art thrives!

I want to share more pictures with you! Make sure you sign-up for my newsletter! For the month of March I will be sending out a small collection of photographs that you can use to inspire you when creating art. (Not to be used for commercial use only for personal use).